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Farm & finance · News & views

Shortlisted for Top Rural Business Award

We’ve been shortlisted in the Best Rural Professional Services Business in the 2019/20 Rural Business Awards, held in partnership with Amazon.

Cashflow forecast templates for agricultural businesses

Free downloadable cashflow forecast templates for different businesses; 

  • farming
  • equestrian
  • kennels and catteries
  • holiday lettings, camping or glamping
  • rural business
  • smallholding

15 years of R&BS – how the market has changed and what's changing

It’s been 15 years since R&BS was founded. Several significant changes over that time have made it an interesting period for us and our clients. Find out what they are and the strategies farm and rural businesses can adopt to capitalise on these changes. 

Where next when ‘the computer says no’?

We are seeing many lenders move towards using more computer-based technology to make automated decisions on lending cases. If ‘the computer says no’ and if there's no relationship or bank manager to influence any lending decision, how do you get finance?

Agriculture Bill 2018: now is the time to start planning

The long-awaited details of the new Agriculture Bill have been announced. All farm businesses must begin to plan ahead to ensure they are in a strong position and can cope with the loss of subsidy income. Professional guidance - including business finance advice -will be crucial in the years ahead.

Bank restructuring – what should farmers do if they are not happy with their new relationship

More banks are restructuring their businesses to cut costs. As a result many farms are losing their bank manager or being moved to telephone banking staff with no understanding of farming. We give our tips for those who aren't happy with these changes.

The changing role of private banks in the rural finance marketplace

Private banks have traditionally serviced high net worth clients. But these banks are changing their lending criteria, and are likely to appeal to more farming clients.

Good farm and rural mortgage deals to be had, if you know where to look

Farm borrowing is continuing to rise, but banks are becoming more regulated and stringent with their lending. We look at the different types of lenders in the farm and rural mortgage market and the margins currently possible.

What questions should you ask when preparing a business plan?

A business plan is an essential document to put in front of your bank manager when you are discussing finance. We set out some of the subjects and questions you should ask yourself when preparing a plan.

Will interest rates be on the move soon?

Opinions on whether the Bank of England base rate will increase from its low of 0.25% have been divided for some time. We look at the arguments for and against, and tell you what this means for farm and rural businesses.

Bank reorganisation – what it means for farmers and what can you do

Many banks and financial institutions are cutting costs by restructuring their businesses. This can mean a change in bank manager or a move to a telephone service. We look at what is happening and what you can do if you are unhappy or struggling with your new banking arrangements.

Loyalty to your lender could be an expensive mistake

90% of small businesses get their loans from their main bank, with no shopping around for other lenders. Have you ever compared your bank's rates, terms and conditions against other lenders? You could end up saving money or being in a more flexible position.