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Farm & finance · News & views

The time is not right for an interest rate rise – but be on alert

Despite the 5-3 vote from the MPC last week, Bank of England Governor Mark Carney has said the time is not yet right for an interest rate rise. At R&BS we monitor fixed rate cost of funds closely and give updates on market trends to help you to decide if you should fix your interest rates or not. 

Uncertainty is certain. How can farms prepare for a few bumpy years ahead?

The farming industry is bracing itself for a big change with Brexit looming. Our contacts in the banks are saying ‘business as usual’ but there are indicators of instability. What can farms and rural businesses do to prepare for a period of uncertainty? 

Will UK interest rates rise?

Are interest rates on the move? We think not which is good news for farming businesses. While interest rates are low, it’s a good time to invest too. But there will come a time when you might want to fix your interest rates - but when? Each business should draw their own conclusion based on their circumstances and approach to risk.

Farmers should plan for Brexit changes sooner rather than later

Many banks and rural lenders remain supportive of the farming industry. However, R&BS would encourage farms and rural businesses to plan for change and evaluate their financial options now rather than wait for the outcome of the exit negotiations with the EU.

Increasing numbers of unsecured lenders open opportunities for farms and rural businesses

It’s getting rare to find the main banks offering unsecured lending facilities. Tenant farmers, start-ups and those that have reached their secured credit limit find it hard to find finance. But more lenders are coming in to the market and could help you.

Alternative finance - the opportunities for farm and rural businesses

Our main focus is finding our clients the most appropriate finance through the high street banks, farming lenders and private banks. But the number of alternative lenders are growing and here we explain their benefits.

Brexit – where now for bank lending to farms and rural businesses and for interest rates?

It went down to the wire but the people of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union (EU). What does it mean for banking, interest rates and farming? 

Avoid taking the easy funding options when things get hard

Farm incomes are being hit and profits squeezed by the drop in farm gate prices. It’s leading to cash-flow problems for many farmers. While quick, short-term alternatives for finance sometimes look the easiest option to help struggling farmers out of cash shortages, we caution that these are often expensive and can be damaging. The farm profits squeeze is being reflected in the level of borrowing by farm business and being seen in farm sales reports.

Brexit – are we any closer to knowing the impact of an in or out?

Have the farming industry questions on how an EU exit would affect farmers been answered? We look at the outstanding points and what happens next.

Reviewing farm borrowings could alleviate cashflow pressures or create flexibility in the business

Three years of downward pressure on commodity prices is paying its toll on many producers. A regular review of farm finances and their costs is always important and even more so in times when cashflow is under pressure.

Brexit - the future and current consequences for British farmers

The date is set. Prime Minister David Cameron is to hold a referendum on the future of Britain’s EU membership on 23 June 2016. The influence of the EU on British farming is enormous. Opinions whether Britain should stay in or get out of the EU are divided amongst farmers and even the Government’s farming ministers, with Defra Secretary Liz Truss declaring she’s ‘in’, and Junior Minister George Eustice joining the ‘out’ camp.

Why use a mortgage specialist and what to look for when choosing one?

It takes time to find the right lender and then to negotiate a suitable deal. You can go direct to banks, but the support of an expert can lead to better outcomes. What should you look for when choosing mortgage advice for your farm or rural business?