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Farm & finance · News & views

Farming cashflow – preparing to take the strain

Graham Sanders looks at how weather and disease has affected the key farming sectors this year.

He also looks at what action farmers and diversified businesses should take now to prepare for cashflow pressures.

Funding a rural start-up business

If you’re thinking about moving to the countryside to start a business, there may never be a better time.

We show you what to consider and where to look for finance to help turn your dreams into reality.

How to fund building an agricultural dwelling

Many farms are looking to build new homes for succession planning, separation, divorce or other reasons.

Funding such a build, particularly as the property may have an agricultural tie, comes with challenges that many see as unsurmountable. But they needn’t be if approached correctly.

Coronavirus: sources of financial support

To help you navigate the financial implications of the Coronavirus pandemic, we’re keeping this page updated with sources of financial support for farms and rural businesses.

It includes Government support schemes and bank, farming and charity support.

Here for you

We know you’re busy but that some of you will be worried about the potential financial challenges that COVID-19 may bring, so we wanted to write a quick message to offer our support during these difficult times.

Please know that we are here to help.

Get a mortgage swiftly and smoothly – 5 tips

An agricultural or rural mortgage can take from 4 weeks to 4 months to complete, or longer in some cases. Such deals often present a challenge in terms of ‘ticking the right boxes’ for lenders which causes delays and could put your plans at risk. 

Here are 5 tips to ensure your mortgage process runs as smoothly as possible.

Why farm finance is getting harder to find and how to overcome it

Farms and rural businesses are finding it increasingly hard to raise finance. But, if it’s of any reassurance, it’s not just restricted to the farming industry.

Uncertainty over Brexit, low confidence in global and domestic economies and global banking regulations are making banks cautious of lending. What can you do to overcome it?

Funding the conversion of redundant farm buildings

The April 2018 changes to permitted development rights for agricultural buildings have led to an increased number of clients looking for finance to convert agricultural buildings to residential and commercial uses.

But what factors need to be considered to achieve finance and a completed project?

Farm and rural tourism – now is the time to plan investment

Tourism and leisure activities are some of the most important sectors in the rural economy. What are the prospects and what should farm and rural businesses do to invest and prepare for a profitable future?

Brexit – now is the time to consider your mortgage options

Some of the effects of Brexit on farming businesses could be negated by investment. Current low interest rates make now a perfect time to consider borrowing options.

But what are banks and lenders doing as Brexit gets closer, and what should farmers looking for mortgages do now?

Winners of the Best Rural Professional Services Business award!

We’re delighted to have won the Best Rural Professional Services Business in the North in the 2019/20 Rural Business Awards. 

Congratulations to our team of consultants who play an important role in the prosperity of their clients and in local rural communities.

Diversification - investment and bank funding on the up

A survey of farming estate owners has shown increased confidence and commitment to invest, despite rising political and economic uncertainty. But, none of the respondents plan to diversify within farming. Instead, investment is being diverted to alternative rural enterprises. 73% plan to use bank funding to support the investment.